Thursday, July 9, 2009

First post / DEbutul Opinii cu Sare si Piper

This is my first post...or my internet it how you want. From the beginning I'll let you know that this blog will be bilingual...Romanian & English because the first one is my first language and EN is my second one.
Blog subjects will vary and as the title said...will be with a grain of salt and pepper or "seasoned".
From the beginning I want to tell you one thing about me....I have "spinal" and "balls" and I DON'T LIKE TO LIE...This is (in my opinion) my worst nightmare....I have a lot to suffer because of this defect....You'll say "what big fat liar is this asshole...bahaha" but's the truth...why...because my face and my eyes doesn't help me at all....As soon I'll try to tell a face become red that is obvious what's going on...damn...and If you don't like what you'll read you can simply browse somewhere else or...GTF out of here...the internet is big enough for all of us (or at least for the moment). I won't promise you that all subjects will be in English or all in Romanian....some of them will be in EN, some in RO and some EN/RO and not because I want to discriminate or exclude some of you...the only reason it's just time...shut I'm red already :)).
So let's start.
Primul mesaj sau debutul meu pe internet. Sa spunem lucrurilor pe nume de la inceput...palavrageala asta va fi in doua una-n cur si alta-n...cum vor spune in Romana (a nu se incurca cu Rroma sau cum i-o mai zice) si Engleza si nu voi folosi diacritice...datorita simplului fapt ca imi este lene sa instalez limba RO pe calculator. Subiectele vor diferi dar in esenta titlul spune totul (Seasoned Oppinions sau Opinii cu Sare si asezonate...pentru ca eu nu inteleg acest cuvant...dar o sa vorbim despre lucrurile astea in viitor). De la inceput trebuie sa va spun un lucru....NU IMI PLACE SA MINT....Asta e cosmarul meu ( ala care mi-a intrat in cur...cum bineinteles vor gandii unii) credeti-ma ca am de suferit din cauza acestui defect...Veti spune " ce mincinos labagiu e si asta..." dar din pacate e purul adevar...fiziologic nu pot minti pentru ca fata si ochii ma tradeaza...obrajii devin rosii ca focul si nu fac altceva decat sa ma fac de daca nu va place ce cititi puteti oricand schimba pagina sau pe scurt "GTF out of here" (injuratura destul de laborios de tradus in limba noastra...dar ati prins ideea). Nu promit ca toate subiectele vor fi traduse in ambele limbi...din lipsa de timp nu de cumva sa credeti ca vreau sa discriminez anumite categorii de cititori prin aceasta atitudine....rahat...deja m-am inrosit :))
Deci sa incepem.....

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